
Clear terms and no hidden fees.

We encourage you to pay back your balance early as there are no prepayment penalties and early payments reduce the overall amount you pay.

  • With a Quick Credit installment loan from CC Connect, there's:
  • No application fee
  • No annual fee
  • No origination fee
  • No late fee
  • No prepayment fee

Calculate the Cost of your Quick Credit loan

State of residence
Loan Amount Funding Amount Received
Payment Frequency
Amount Per Payment
( payments)
Total Cost to You
(APR: )
Total Payback Amount
(Loan Amount + Interest + Fees)
(Funding Amount + Florida Stamp Tax* + Interest + Fees)

Sorry, but a Quick Credit loan isn’t available in your state at this time. Please check back soon.

Sorry, but a Quick Credit loan isn’t available in your state at this time. Please check back soon.

Sorry, but a Quick Credit loan isn’t available in your state at this time. Please check back soon.

*Florida documentary stamp tax is required by Florida law for each consumer loan issued to its residents and will be paid directly to the Florida Department of Revenue and will be included in your Total Amount Financed.
Complete disclosures of APR, fees and payment terms are provided with the Loan Agreement. APR and payment amounts may vary slightly based on initial term. These examples are based on an initial term of 15 days for Bi-weekly or 30 days for Monthly, and all payment amounts being the same; the final payment amount is determined by your payment history. If you miss a payment, or if your payment is late or returned, you may incur additional interest. You may pay off your loan early at any time with no prepayment penalty.
Here are a few questions you should consider when shopping for an installment loan:
  • What will the overall cost be?
  • What are my other options, and how does this compare to them?
  • How necessary is it for me to take out a loan?
  • Can I afford to repay the loan, including interest and fees (if any)? Please note the Quick Credit loan does not have any fees.
  • If I miss a payment, will I be able to afford any penalties or extra interest (if any)? Please note a Quick Credit loan does not have any pre-payment penalties.
Online loans for up to $3,000. Quick.*
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